
My Empowering Poem

Poetry is a beautiful way of advocating for change and expressing your emotions whether that is love, anger or even suffering.

When I was 15, I was already very passionate about equality and the struggles that women have gone through throughout the history of time, so I wrote a poem. Coincidentally, at the time there was a competition where you had to write about something that empowered you, I thought it was worth a shot to enter it. I actually got shortlisted for the finals, I didn’t win, but I was published!

We are Women

We rise from adversity

But we let our scars remind us 

Of the prejudice, judgement and bigotry

That echoes through the halls of history.

Even when our legs get tied down 

With the shackles and chains of society’s stereotypes

We push each other forward 

Helping each powerful woman walk 

We may have only moved an inch 

But, to the young girls of future generations 

It’ll be like we stepped past the moon and stars.

We will never be afraid to stand up for what is right,

Equal pay, equal opportunities and equal lives. 

Malala never stopped when her hijab was drowning in blood;

And, Burnita Shelton Matthews 

Who helped pave the way for girls to thrive in a male-dominated environment,

Never halted at a brick wall.

We have been screaming for decades. 

Yet, no one has heard our cries

It’s just a gentle murmur in the background.


Women were designed to be admired

People say.

These words get etched into the clay-like minds of children. 

But, we implore you to realise,

That women are fierce, determined and unstoppable. 

We should never be held back by others’ forceful grip,

Or be put on a pedestal as a Russian doll,


Only to be noticed by fleeting eyes.

As we are all equals in this imperfect world